Thursday, November 10, 2011

Proof of a truly global economy

A region that has grown real fast in the past centuries due to colonies feeding the economies more than resources available within the region itself, viz. Europe, is now coming to terms with reality. Financial markets come crashing down showing a gloomy picture of the future. Hence now, they think that they'll eat lesser chocolate in the coming years.

Reduced demand means a drop in global Cocoa prices. This means that International Trade Houses which work on a small margin are forced to reduce prices being given to cooperatives and in effect, farmers.

Sawadogo Adama, a farmer in Mid-Westen Cote d'Ivoire, Africa, will not make as much money on his 2 hectare plantation as he would have, if Italy had done a good job in managing it's economy. And that, is a true proof of how much our lives are interlinked in an international global economy.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

The Crorepati

It was a dream come true. A man from rural Bihar. With a Broken roof. A Salary of 120 Dollars a month. Knows the all the right answers. Despite his poverty, he had the time to go through all the general awareness questions, a luxury few others of his class can afford. His family smiled through all questions before the answers were announced, probably quite confident in his ability.

Truly, a Slumdog Millionaire story. The audience wanted it and KBC wanted TRPs. That's why it is indeed a fantastic coincidence that Sushil Kumar won 5 crores, and KBC probably had the highest viewings of this season. A win win situation. Almost too good to be true. No?

PS: conspiracy theories are so much fun.